The Barn Swallow's Life

The barn swallow is a real farmland bird, a barnyard airborne acrobat. The nests are ideally made in barns, sheds, and so forth where they can fly in and out. They remain in the Netherlands from April to October, the winter is invested in southerly Africa.

The barn swallow is blue-black on top. The temple and chin are red; black breast bands. Rest velvety white. Dexterously flies through the air to capture bugs. To drink, they fly simply over the surface of the sprinkle and sometimes stick their beaks in the sprinkle. Lengthy forked tail.

The barn swallow


Freely nest breeds in the duration May-August. Sometimes a 2nd clutch (June-July) or also a 3rd clutch (August) depending upon the circumstances (weather/food). 3-6 eggs (sometimes 2-7) each clutch. Incubation time: 12-16 days. They often develop their nests of clay and loam on sides and ledges in cow, pig, or equine stables, both low and high, but also under bridges, or at locks or under wide roofing system overhangs. Young gets on the nest for about 20-24 days, but sometimes much longer if the weather misbehaves.


The barn swallow breeds in open up sheds and under wide roofing system overhangs, under bridges, and sometimes in various other protected places. The food is looked for airborne: it is composed of huge amounts of small flying bugs that are gathered completely trip. The barn swallow is also common in the environment of water, where the swallows skim over it to gather bugs.


Bugs (particularly huge quantities of insects).


The barn swallow moves southern in teams. Large teams of barn swallow can be seen in September and October; these birds collect for the lengthy trip. The barn swallows that breed in the Netherlands winter in West and Main Africa, approximately the location in between Cream color Coast and Angola. They go back to our nation between the end of March and the beginning of June (with top in May). Day tractor.


The barn swallow is found throughout the northern hemisphere, consisting of all Europe. Just in Iceland does the species find little to his liking, the barn swallow is an extremely unusual breeding bird


The barn swallow has shabby dramatically in the long-term. This is mainly associated with the increase in range and intensification of farming (consisting of pesticide use, dewatering), which has decreased the quality of foraging location and nesting centers. Decreased nesting centers are mainly the outcome of modernization of stables and stricter regulations regarding safety and health. The current healing appears to be in charge of the improvement of breeding success and, particularly, the five-fold increase in the variety of appropriate nesting places through equine stables.

The barn swallow gets on the Red List of Dutch breeding birds. Red Lists include species that are threatened or vulnerable. Red Lists don't have official legal status, but in practice, they do have an important indicating function. These species have a greater priority when taking energetic protection measures, for instance by improving their habitats.

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